With the mission of delivering the vital resource of water safely to people, we have been focusing on the development of unique products such as seismic isolation joints to protect lifelines and the EM under pressure installation system using end mill drilling technology.

Under Pressure Installation
Suiken’s original EM (end mill) under pressure valve installation system “S-GATE” is spreading throughout the world. It first started in the United States, a technical advanced nation in under pressure technologies, and later in Canada, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau among others.

Flexible Expansion Joints
“SUPER FLEX” flexible expansion joints which were developed ahead of others in 1980 have reached to 110,000 units of consequence sales worldwide; thus, becoming the standard of ball-type flexible expansion joints technology and contributing to the safety of the lifeline.

Multi-diameter Couplings
“All Fits Joint” is the ideal multi-diameter couplings to connect pipes of different materials and outside diameters. This special feature contributes to the reduction of number of stock, storage space and inventory cost by eliminating the need to keep stock of the couplings for each size and pipe material.

Our company has celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020.
We will continue to contribute to society by providing technical services that respond flexibly to the rapid changes of the times, while continuing to carry on the tradition of “Technology of Suiken”.